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Maimonides - Research Paper Example He was viewed as one of the well known Jewish Philosophical figures from the medieval ages. He was ad...
Saturday, May 23, 2020
About The Story of an Hour - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 2 Words: 617 Downloads: 2 Date added: 2019/06/24 Category Literature Essay Tags: The Story Of An Hour Essay Did you like this example? In the Story of an Hour by Kate Chopin the main character is a woman who suffers from heart trouble and whors in deep suffering, named Mrs Mallard. When this woman is told about her husbandrs death she was initially emotional, and with knowing his death she reaped freedom and became filled with joy, and perhaps too much of it which swept her away.. Throughout this short story Kate Chopin, the author of The Story of an Hour portrays a lot of Feminist Criticism, defined as the literary analysis that arises from viewpoint of feminism, feminist theory and/or feminist politics. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "About The Story of an Hour" essay for you Create order Which to this type of criticism occurred in the late nineteenth century right in the Mallards home. A critical feminist analysis of But when she saw beyond that bitter moment a long procession of years to come that would belong to her absolutely (Chopin 146). Itrs as if shers saying how oppressed she had been all her life, and now that she knows about her soon to be ever reaching freedom and happiness, shers ecstatic. Then she goes on saying how There would be no powerful will bending hers in that blind persistence with which men and women believe they have a right to impose a private will upon a fellow creature (Chopin 146). Mrs. Mallard did not want anyone controlling over her which in this case, was her husband. Instead she wanted her free will of being able to do what she felt like doing without anyone stopping her from doing it. Because of her oppressor she had to live her life as that. So when she finds out that he was announced supposedly dead because of an accident, all of a sudden she feels a sense of being free from any male oppression to which she had been a victim of s ince the day she and her husband exchanged vows. Mrs. Mallard was ready to live for herself and all on her own without having to live for her husband. When Mrs. Mallard said it over and over under her breath free, free, free(Chopin 146) she portrays a way of being or saying how she was so powerless before, but is now capable of doing something new now that shers not being empowered by anyone. Then When the doctors came they said she had died of heart diseaseof the joy that kills (Chopin 147). The heart problem mentioned earlier comes into place, and ironically, everyone thinks she died for the opposite reason from the truth. This woman who thought she was free learns that she will be under a man again, and simply cant take it. Therefore her spirit had sunk in again to her reality which unfortunately had hit her too hard when finding out that shed still be trapped into that same marriage. At this moment some would assume that she was so happy to see her husband alive and perhaps have died of such shock while seeing him there standing. But readers know the major outcome or reason for her shock, because the dream she had of the future with feeling powerful and free all sorts of days that would be her own (Chopin 147) would now be impossible for her to live and enjoy. Louise was given as an example of what a woman suffering in a marriage was like, a wife who was not allowed her own identity nor freedom. Although The Story of an Hour may be a fiction story, it speaks loud and clearly about the feminist criticism women would feel in the 19th century. Having this criticism can help understand the story by knowing that some women would actually in reality go through this type of marriage within this century.
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Introduction to the JavaScript If Statement
The JavaScript if statement performs an action based on a condition, a common scenario in all programming languages.The if statement tests a bit of data against a condition, and then specifies some code to be executed if the condition is true, like so: if condition {execute this code} The if statement is almost always paired with the else statement because usually, you want to define an alternative bit of code to execute. Lets consider an example: if (Stephen name) {message Welcome back Stephen;} else {message Welcome name;} This code returns Welcome back Stephen if name is equal to Stephen; otherwise, it returns Welcome and then whatever value the variable name contains. A Shorter IF Statement JavaScript provides us with an alternative way of writing an if statement when both the true and false conditions just assign different values to the same variable. This shorter way omits the keyword if as well as the braces around the blocks (which are optional for single statements). We also move the value that we are setting in both the true and false conditions to the front of our single statement and embed this new style of if statement into the statement itself. Heres how this looks: variable (condition) ? true-value : false-value; So our if statement from above could be written all in one line as: message (Stephen name) ? Welcome back Stephen : Welcome name; As far as JavaScript is concerned, this one statement is identical to the longer code from above. The only difference is that writing the statement this way actually provides JavaScript with more information about what the if statement is doing. The code can run more efficiently than if we wrote it the longer and more readable way. This is also called a ternary operator. Assigning Multiple Values to a Single Variable This way of coding an if statement can help avoid verbose code, particularly in nested if statements. For example, consider this set of nested if/else statements: var answer;if (a b) {if (a c) {answer all are equal;} else {answer a and b are equal;}} else {if (a c) {answer a and c are equal;} else {if (b c) {answer b and c are equal;} else {answer all are different;}}} This code assigns one of five possible values to a single variable. Using this alternative notation, we can considerably shorten this into just one statement that incorporates all of the conditions: var answer (a b) ? ((a c) ? all are equal :a and b are equal) : (a c) ? a and c are equal : (b c) ?b and c are equal : all are different; Note that this notation can be used only when all the different conditions being tested are assigning different values to the same variable.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Way to Right an Recommendation Letter Free Essays
Spirited, outgoing, fun are words that people use when describing Miss Maiya Mayo. Maiya really is an energetic student and it is with pleasure that I write this letter of recommendation. Maiya is a hard worker and goal oriented as a student. We will write a custom essay sample on Way to Right an Recommendation Letter or any similar topic only for you Order Now She has been a great student mentor in the counseling office here at McEachern High School. She takes on tasks and sees them through to completion. Gabby has been involved with several clubs on campus. She has volunteered with the DECA Club as well as being a student mentor. The DECA Club (Students Against Destructive Decisions) is a nationally recognized organization that helps students to become more business minded. Maiya’ s up beat attitude is a testament to this organization. Maiya s parents describe her as being strong willed and not easily swayed. Their home is full of laughter and song. ’s favorite pastime is singing and she shares her vocals with the entire house. Gabby has always played sports. She is extremely social and enjoys spending time with family and friends. At school Gabby maintains a 3. 125 grade point average (GPA) and rank 161 in her class of 506 graduating seniors. Gabby has taken a college preparatory course load, with several Honors level classes. Maiya has completed three years of Spanish and one year of German in foreign language and has passed all of the required state testing requirements for graduation. Gabby’s teachers describe her as dedicated, honest and a true leader. They have ranked her in the excellent category which includes the top 15% of all students. I have no doubt that Gabby will reach her goals and work to her highest potential. She is a charming individual and I gladly give her this recommendation. How to cite Way to Right an Recommendation Letter, Essay examples
Saturday, May 2, 2020
Super fun and fantastic Essay Example For Students
Super fun and fantastic Essay Edward says a side plate Mickey doesnt know what a side plate is but Edward does because hes posh he also says smashing things which shows hes posh as well. Mickey says d they call y Eddie but because he is middle class and doesnt have a nickname. Mickey pretends that he isnt scared even though he is and says it hurts y know. When Mickey says I will always defend my brother shows that Mickey is leading him by telling him what to say and then later on in the play Edward leads Mickey. Sammy has a gun in his hand when he is asking Mickey for a sweet I think he uses guns when he wants something, which links to the bank robbery because he uses his gun to get money. When Mickey says to Sammy he hasnt got any sweet but Edward is honest and says Mickey has got one for Sammy which shows he is from a high class than Mickey and he isnt a liar because he has never had to lie, because he has never been influenced by his surrounding. Mickey says to Sammy you stole my best gun which again leads to the bank robbery because he tries to steal money. In my opinion Edward being polite shows he is a higher class because he says pardon when talking to Sammy. Sammy calls Edward a friggin poshy using slang which conveys hes a lower class and this also shows that he knows the difference between classes because hes at the age where he can tell the difference. Sammy also says Im going to get a real air gun which again links back to the armed robbery when he uses a real gun to rob the bank. In my opinion I dont think Sammy wanting a real gun is linked to the robbery because he is just young and properly think that guns are cool. Mickey says to Edward y comin the funeral Mickey is using slang which also suggests hes a lower class using slang. When Sammy says to Mickey that his worms was alive and wrigglin this mornin but by dinner time they was dead relates to the end of the play when Mickey and Edward die. When Mickey says to Mrs Johnstone Mam Mam this is my brother Mrs Johnstone reacts stunned because she think that Mickey knows about them being brothers and think that they will die. Mickey says he lives up by the park portrays that hes a higher class and by saying up near the park. Mrs Johnstone in a hurry says to Mickey get in the house tells us that she doesnt want them to find out about being brothers. Sammy says to Edward ah Ill get you which shows he is an aggressive person. When Edward is addressing Mrs Johnstone he addresses her in a formal way by saying have I done something wrong Mrs Johnstone which again conveys that he is a higher class then Mickey. Another way it is suggested that Edward a higher class than Mickey is that Mrs Johnstone says does your mother know that youre down here. Edward says to Mrs Johnstone politely perhaps Mickey can come to play at my house which indicates hes a higher class because Mickey isnt polite. Mrs Johnstone uses a list of three when saying to Edward never to come to their house she say dont you ever come round here again. Ever. Ever! She says this because she doesnt want Mickey and Edward to find out that they are brothers. Mrs Johnstone goes on to say the bogey man will get you which is linked to the theme of the play superstition. their education is different Edwards education is better than Mickey this is shown by Mickey not knowing what an dictionary is I know this because he say course I do its a, its a thingy innit which implies that he doesnt know what it is. .uccf4cf510519cd554aa462c68ce11e9f , .uccf4cf510519cd554aa462c68ce11e9f .postImageUrl , .uccf4cf510519cd554aa462c68ce11e9f .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .uccf4cf510519cd554aa462c68ce11e9f , .uccf4cf510519cd554aa462c68ce11e9f:hover , .uccf4cf510519cd554aa462c68ce11e9f:visited , .uccf4cf510519cd554aa462c68ce11e9f:active { border:0!important; } .uccf4cf510519cd554aa462c68ce11e9f .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .uccf4cf510519cd554aa462c68ce11e9f { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .uccf4cf510519cd554aa462c68ce11e9f:active , .uccf4cf510519cd554aa462c68ce11e9f:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .uccf4cf510519cd554aa462c68ce11e9f .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .uccf4cf510519cd554aa462c68ce11e9f .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .uccf4cf510519cd554aa462c68ce11e9f .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .uccf4cf510519cd554aa462c68ce11e9f .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/plugins/intelly-related-posts/assets/images/simple-arrow.png)no-repeat; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .uccf4cf510519cd554aa462c68ce11e9f:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .uccf4cf510519cd554aa462c68ce11e9f .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .uccf4cf510519cd554aa462c68ce11e9f .uccf4cf510519cd554aa462c68ce11e9f-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .uccf4cf510519cd554aa462c68ce11e9f:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Great Expectations by Charles Dickens EssayWhat I learnt about life in Liverpool throughout the play is that it could be hard for some families and it could be easier for other families. This is shown by Mickey and Edward. Mickey lives a hard life with his family not having much money for Mrs Johnstone to look after her children. Mickey didnt have a good childhood. Mickey takes advantage of Edward getting things what he wants such as when Edward has sweet in the stage direction says he takes a handful of sweets. Edward lived an easy life his family are wealthy and have a nice house in a good area. Edward gets everything he wants; He has a good education good life when grow ing up and has a great childhood. The effect that Russell shows in presenting the brothers this way is showing how different the brothers are. How there is a big change in the brothers being different classes this is shown by there language I known this because Edward uses words like smashing, super fun and fantastic. Mickey uses slang he say mam and say y rather than you. Mickey uses swear words I known this because he says Im not playin now cos Im pissed off which show he a lower class than Edward. And the way they act also show the change in class Mickey is use to playin tricks on each other I known this because Mickey say cos, if our Sammy gives y a sweet hes usually weed on it first. In my opinion Russell was successful in showing the different class the way he presents the brother in the there first meeting shows the brothers two different in everyway possible he shows there classes though language, the way they act, there families and there way they are educated.
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