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Maimonides Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Maimonides - Research Paper Example He was viewed as one of the well known Jewish Philosophical figures from the medieval ages. He was ad...
Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Maimonides Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Maimonides - Research Paper Example He was viewed as one of the well known Jewish Philosophical figures from the medieval ages. He was additionally an incredible â€Å"Torah†(name given by the Jews to the initial five books of Bible) researcher and a notable doctor. Mimonides was conceived in Cordova, Spain on Passover eve (an interesting quick day in Judiasm) in 1135 and kicked the bucket in Egypt (Tiberias) on twentieth Tevet (fourth month of Hebrew schedule), December 12, 1204.Besides Maimonides, Cordova was likewise the origin of Avveros (Davidson 7-9). His dad â€Å"Maimon†, was the immediate descendent of the King David. Maimon filled in as an appointed authority in the city’s Rabbinical Court. His mom died not long after his introduction to the world (Mangel). Maimonides was conceived during the age which is considered by numerous researchers as the finish of the brilliant time of Jewish culture in the IberismPennisula after entry of initial not many long stretches of Moorish principle. Muslim principle was set up in Cordova and it stood and filled in as one of the best learned focuses of the world by then of time (Stroumsa 65). Anyway as revealed by Jacobs and Broyde, the circumstance went ahead and the occasions turned out to be more terrible when the Almohads attacked in 1148. They offered the neighborhood non-Muslims to pick either between Islam or probably oust. Else, they will be executed on the off chance that they would not follow any of the given other options. The group of Maimonides needed to leave Cordova commandingly and in the wake of meandering to a great extent for such a large number of years, they finally get settled in Fez, Morroco in 1160. In Morroco, they were obscure to the nearby specialists which bolstered them to g o as Muslims.There Maimonides learned at the University of Al-Karaouine.At that time, he began to chip away at his first strict perfect work of art, â€Å"Commentary on Mishnah†. Be that as it may, this double life was progressively undermining as the Maimonides’ prevalence was developing consistently and the higher specialists were examining in regards to the strict manner of this profoundly educated and skilled youthful man. The continuous request had made him be accused of the wrongdoing of having returned from Islam due to the evidenceprovided by a witness. In any case, because of the intercession of a Muslim companion, he stayed fruitful in getting away from the circumstance. Be that as it may, these conditions caused his family by and by to leave Fez in 1165 and went through this existence looking for some safe house. A short time later, they began their excursion and went to Acre, to Jerusalem, and afterward to Fustat (Cairo), where they settled themselves in 1166 (Jacobs &Broyde). In Egypt, Maimonides needed to confront various incidents directly in the beginning years. Jacobs and Broyde had referenced in their article that his dad, Maimon had passed on during that period as well. After the destruction of his dad, his sibling â€Å"David†had assumed the liability of supporting the family by exchanging of valuable stones. His money related help had furnished Maimonides with the solace of proceeding and dedicating himself to consider Torah and creator his first academic work on the Mishnah which began in 1166 and completed in 1168. This work of Maimonides was built up as an original work in the Jewish Law. Be that as it may, it was not the finish of misfortunes for Maimonides, as his sibling got died in the ocean in 1171. With his sibling, his own fortune alongside the enormous entireties of different dealers that had been depended upon David, were additionally lost with him. That occasion had influenced the strength of Maimoni des and he stayed wiped out for quite a while range. In the wake of recuperating his
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Low Self Esteem Essay Example For Students
Low Self Esteem Essay Dialects, hues, societies and furthermore the manner in which one carries on may vary starting with one country then onto the next. However, all of us living on the outside of this planet share a few things practically speaking. One of these likenesses is that we as a whole have a method of with respect to our own self. It is accepted that a lot of people feel excellent about themselves. In any case, every now and then even the best of us get a portion of negative feelings. Heartbreaking tales about self abhorrence were told by many discouraged young people and more established individuals. What are simply the reasons for this sort of Low Self Esteem Essay and in what capacity can one individual get answers for result them? Confidence is characterized as trust in your own legitimacy as an individual#. Such ideas as confidence and mental self portrait have been viewed by some social analysts as valuable, while others have viewed them as superfluous. There is a lot of research on such subjects however it would be hard to locate the specific definition since volumes have been expounded on confidence. Definitions given in confidence writing run a yard long. Be that as it may, in the wake of slicing through all the logical words, the topic of confidence truly focuses down to something very straightforward: How do an individual feels about his/herself? On the off chance that the individual likes him/herself, they have a high confidence. On the off chance that they feel terrible about him/herself, they have a low confidence. Since low confidence is a most exceedingly awful issue than the higher one, lets look at it to discover some arrangement by exploring various low confidence causes and individual cases. People with genuinely high confidence like themselves and keep putting stock in themselves paying little mind to what others consider them. A few people like themselves just as long as others bolster them and affirm them. The second someone else condemns them, or pulls back her or his help from them, they not just feel terrible about themselves, they may even detest themselves. That would be simply the initial step into low regard. At the point when an individual demonstrations like that, life can be pernicious for more often than not and they may end up helpless before others. At the point when these sort of people dont have the enthusiastic opportunity and freedom from the analysis and endorsement of others, their decision of activity is restricted. There might be alternatives far predominant and promising however they might be too fearful to even consider choosing them since they principally rely a lot upon different people groups prompt endorsement. Believing that it would be inconceivable for them to do things right they wind up being inadequate to do things precisely. Individuals who are uncertain of themselves experience difficulty continuing their connections on the grounds that their emotions get effectively hurt. They rush to understand affront and derision in the blameless comments of others. Since they feel offended, hurt, humiliated, and embarrassed without due reason, their responses perplex and drives others away. They ride an enthusiastic crazy ride and some of them resort to liquor and drugs.# This issue happens no doubt among adolescents or more seasoned youngsters. This is expected as a result of the confinements that may baffle them. They are growing up, and regularly there is a time of ungainliness wherein dropping things or catching them is an every day humiliation. At that point, as well, they essentially dont have a grown-ups involvement with ricocheting once again from disillusionments. What's more, on the grounds that their keen forces havent been adequately prepared through use, they may not generally cause the most astute decisions.# At times they may to feel that they cannot do anything right. Amelia Earhart (898 words) EssayFailure to meet ones guardians desires can be another reason for low confidence. On the off chance that I make an A less in school, one youth says, my people need to know why it wasnt An and disregard valuing my difficult work. After that they even beginning contrasting me unreasonably and my more established sibling. Such sort of uncalled for correlations are a valid justification for an adolescent to build up a low confidence. At this level a young should attempt to build up a superior sense of pride. Be that as it may, how is this conceivable? In the first place, teenagers should investigate their benefits and liabilities. This ought to likewise incorporate an examination .
Tuesday, August 11, 2020
Spiritual Health Definition, Explained, Tips Tricks
Spiritual Health Definition, Explained, Tips Tricks Spiritual health is the state of your spirit being at peace concerning your outward life. It is when your life is flowing smoothly as per your spirit’s preferences. It is all about being satisfied with the kind of life you are living i.e. your spirit being satisfied with your life.This satisfaction with life is not measured by your mind because your mind is not the one that determines the course of your life. This is done by your spirit. Your life really runs from your spirit.For you to understand spiritual health, you must first of all understand what your spirit is. This is key in helping you direct your efforts towards the right place.Many people have talked about spirituality as they try to explain this inner part of the human life. Unfortunately, too many of them end up confusing between the human spirit and the human soul. These two, though closely related, are distinctly different.As a human being, you are made of three parts: the body, the soul and the spirit. Let’s look at the first two a bit more before getting to the topic of todayâ€"your spiritual health.YOUR BODYThis is the most easily understood part of your life. Being physically visible allows a lot of focus to be put on the body.From the moment you were born, you started actively interacting with a physical world. You could see things, touch them and gradually start reasoning on the basis of what you see. It’s all about the visible.With each of the five traditionally recognized senses, you have been gathering a lot of information throughout your life. You still do this, albeit without much known effort. It all happens without your direct intervention. As long as you have eyes, you see; ears, you hear; a nose, you smell etc.You have picked on smells and you know the good and the bad. You therefore can avoid the bad ones and naturally get pulled towards the good ones. You can identify the kind of music you love and buy lots of that for your own joy.There are also the internal parts of your body which you don’t always see. In fact, some of them, like your brain and heart, you have never seen them but believe that you have them. Thanks to science.Knowing your body is important because you can keep it healthy. You can watch your weight and regulate it with specific foods. You can add more muscle by exercising and also taking certain foods.If you get sick, you know what to do. If it’s mild, you head to the pharmacy for some over-the-counter solution. If it’s big, you see a doctor.All in all, your physical body is visible and quite easy to deal with.YOUR SOULNow to some invisible stuff. And this is where your soul comes in.Due to it’s invisible nature, a lot of confusion has reigned around the subject of the soul. It has been equated with the spirit while even being regarded as the spirit by some. As you will learn, none of these is correct.Your soul is essentially the home of some of the very important aspects of your life. These are your mind, your will and your emotions.1. Your MindYour mind is very easy to know and not very difficult to understand if you commit yourself to the task. This is thanks to the many available resources covering the subject. But how exactly does the mind stand out from the other parts of your soul?Your mind primarily functions as the source of thinking and reasoning. If you need to solve a problem, then your mind is what you will engage. If seeking to implement some new habits upon your body, it is your mind that you will need to train.When it comes to reasoning, your mind determines whether something is good for you or not. This is based on the amount of information it already has. It is your mind that will analyze the pros and cons.Your mind is indeed powerful and can do many things. The power of your thinking has been documented by many scientists and different kinds of therapists. Experts universally agree that the results of your thinking (your thoughts) have the power to determine your reality.This is why t here is a lot of emphasis on why you should be thinking in certain ways and not others. Think wrongly and you will suffer the consequences. Think right and you will enjoy the benefits.For the benefits of thinking right, you have to make the right choices. You don’t just think right, you also act right. You act right by choosing to do what the right thought is telling you. And this is where your will comes in.2. Your WillThis is where you make your choices from. You have some options to be considered and your mind does the analysis and reasoning then provides the results for decision-making.Your will considers the pros and cons then picks one solution for implementation. It may make the most logical decision, the least logical one or one that sits somewhere in the middle. All the same, the decision will carry the day.But what happens when your will picks the wrong option? Is it possible?Since your will is just a decision maker, it relies on the information it receives, the various options presented to it by your reasoning mind. As it however turns out, your will can make decisions which your mind never expected.Your logical mind does not have the monopoly when it comes to feeding your will with information. Something else has an equal share, if not a bigger one. And it is part of your soul too.That thing is your emotions.3. Your EmotionsYour emotions are powerful and in their power, they do influence your will. In very many cases, you actually move in line with what your emotions dictate as opposed to how your logic dictates.This is clearly seen when you buy things which you know you don’t need. The purchased items may not be part of your budget but you liked them and decided to buy. Whereas your logical mind was telling you to prioritize the more important things, you decided to postpone them.Emotions are associated with feelings of good and bad. This is something that marketers have understood and always use when advertising. This explains to you why you buy things on impulse.Ever wondered why you deeply connect with some advertisements and remember them while quickly dismiss others? It is because the advertisement you connected with was based on emotion.When your emotions are targeted, it is a guarantee that you will respond. Great and successful marketing is the one that touches the emotion. If you are advertising and want results, just engage the emotions of your target market. Marketers call this Telling a story.The below video has more on this. So these three, your emotions, your will and your mind, make up your soul. Your soul directs your life through your brain and your body acts accordingly.YOUR SPIRITAt the spirit level is where things get rather blurred for some. But as you read on, you will be able to see the differences between the soul and spirit.In comparison to your body and soul, your spirit is the deepest part of you and most difficult to study or assess. Whereas part of your soulâ€"the mindâ€"can be studied throug h psychology, this is impossible to do with your spirit.The reason is quite simple in theory, though complex in reality: you cannot use the upper parts of your life to study the deeper parts.Your body is the uppermost part of you and it can neither control nor study your soul. Why? Your body is controlled by your soul (mind). In a similar way, your soul can neither control nor study your spirit because your spirit is master over all.What causes confusion and leads some people to think they can study their spirits through their minds is the fact that the mind is a gateway to the spirit. As the gateway, the mind is only a path or an access route. It has no power to control the destination where it leads to (spirit).The connection between the mind and the spirit is however very strong and with enough knowledge and sufficient understanding, you can influence your spirit through your mind (note that influence is not control). Still, your spirit can reject whatever is coming through your mind.Your spirit is the real you and it is the one that really directs your life.Although we are saying that your spirit is the real real you, we are referring to it as a part of you just to make this article easier to understand.Three important things to know in regards to your spirit are your conscience, intuition and your values.1. Your ConscienceWe mentioned earlier that your will makes decisions based on the logic employed by your mind. This logic is essentially a matter of what is good vs bad; right vs evil etc. These are determined by your value system.Whenever you do something which is not good, somewhere inside you, you know that you have done the wrong thing and it hurts you. You try ignoring it and it haunts you. You feel the need to make amends so as to have some peace on the inside.The voice that makes you lose sleep over such matters is your conscience. Your conscience is in your spirit.2. Your IntuitionSome people call intuition the gut feeling or the sixth sense. Peo ple have experienced being advised by their intuition and had different results depending on whether or not they followed the advice.Science says that your intuition is part of your mind. But if so, then how does your mind predict the future? Your intuition always speaks of the future. Something which your mind has no knowledge of.In some instances, your gut/intuition/instincts tell you to make a certain choice but you make a different one. Your logical mind overrules your intuition because its advice doesn’t make sense.Months or years later, you realize that you should have followed the advice. How come your mind made the wrong choice if it could know what would happen in the future? Note that this is a situation where you did not have any information about what lay ahead.From birth till your death, you are always learning. From what you learn, you are able to make good choices. In fact, in the absence of knowledge, you are almost guaranteed to make wrong choices.Why?Your mind de pends on learning.This is why an unschooled person cannot match up to an educated person’s wisdom. But still, the uneducated person can make some life decisions which are wiser than those made by the educated person.How? He followed his gut feeling. What his intuition told him.Your intuition is a wealth of intelligence beyond your mind. Thus, it is not part of your mind (soul) but your spirit. It is something everyone was born with. You just get to benefit from it if you train your mind to listen to and obey it. To prioritize it over your logical analyses.3. Your ValuesWith your values ingrained in your spirit, your conscience keeps watch over them. As the most native guides of how best to live life, your values are very important.Now remember that we said your mind is a gateway to your spirit and that with some knowledge and understanding you can influence your spirit.Therefore, you can cause your spirit to either adopt new values as a replacement of what it already has or just a dd onto what it has. This is how you can learn new habits by embracing habit-changing knowledge. And if you diligently follow that path, you eventually reap the benefits.You change from bad habits to good ones. From there, you strive to do good and when you don’t, you feel guilty and quickly make amends. That feeling of guilt comes from your conscience communicating that you have erred.If you continue listening to your conscience and making immediate changes, your life starts changing. You have formed new habits that are evident on the outside.THE CONNECTION BETWEEN YOUR BODY, SOUL AND SPIRITYour soul is a possession that you have whereas your body is the ‘house’ you live in. Both your soul and your body are subject to your directions or commands.This is why you hear experts telling you that you can live without being controlled by your environment. It is because as much as your body interacts with the outside world, your interpretation of those interactions is what matters.Th ese interpretations are determined, not in your mind (soul) as some perceive, but your spirit. Your spirit has the final say in everything. But only if it is very aware of itself and stamps its authority.When this is the case, then the hierarchy from lowest to highest becomes your body, soul then spirit. All of them being very aware of their place.If this is not the case, then the hierarchy remains the same but with the spirit almost non-existent. This is whereby your desires (emotions) literally run your life. Your soul will run the show while you constantly feel that there is an unfilled gap which you just can’t identify.You crave fatty foods despite knowing they are unhealthy but you end up buying and eating them. Your outbursts of anger are ruining your relationships but the temper is there to stay.Explanation? Apparently, you cannot control yourself.If you want to experience life in a totally different way, the right way, then it is important that you understand these things. For example, when someone steps on your clean white shoes, you may get angry. This is your body responding to your environment. At this point, your body is working like a sensor, gathering information from around you.Now that you are angry, you can decide to either hit that person or just calm down. The very first impulse is to hit him. But since you know that it was a mistake, you tell your will to choose to calm down. But then you have to work against the emotions and energy released in readiness for a fight.So your will engages your mind. Your mind starts reasoning. This is where many people lose the battle.Assuming you are not one of those people, you have sufficiently trained your will and it insists that violence is not an option.Although this directive does not make sense to your mind, its logic is overruled and the appropriate instructions passed on to your brain. Your brain implements various strategies to deflate the built up anger.You may go for a short walk, take out you r phone and start listening to music or do anything else that will make calming down possible.The results? Your will has won the battle against your logical mind. And your spirit (the real you) is satisfied with the outcome. This is how your environment loses power over you because you no longer react to it but you do what you know is right.This way, you achieve satisfaction in life. You say good bye to feelings of guilt and regrets.The above example refers to when you have trained your will to be strong and have its way. So what happens if you haven’t trained your will well enough?The anger quickly gets the better of you since controlling yourself is difficult. Remember what we said about emotions having the ability to overrule logic?As you fume because someone stepped on your white shoes, your emotions justify the intended response and your logical mind agrees with it.Results? You hit the person. You are very sure that you did not do anything wrong because you were the one wrong ed. You just responded to the wrong act committed against you.But in case it’s a big situation and you get arrested, convicted and jailed, then you regret your actions. Sitting alone in your cell, you will remember that a ‘small voice’ told you not to get into a fight but you didn’t listen.DEVELOPING YOUR SPIRITUAL HEALTHHaving seen how your spirit differs from your soul, let’s now look at ways of developing your spiritual health. This is all about achieving fulfillment in life. Being satisfied with the way you live your life.Although the below tips can be applied randomly, they have been written in a progressive manner. You can easily follow them as steps from one to another. As such, every subsequent step builds up on the previous one.Using this method of developing your spiritual health, it also becomes easy for your logical mind to follow through.Train your mind on the truthThere is nothing as powerful as the truth. As it is said, knowing the truth sets you free. One o f the biggest truths that you have so far received from this article is knowing that your soul is different from your spirit.The truth opens the door for deep understanding and an ability to come up with solutions.In a world where fake news travels faster and farther than the truth, it’s easy to be carried away by the lies floating around. It becomes even worse when the lies are broadcast by those who are supposed to be trustworthy.This was the case in the times of the Nazi Germany. Propaganda was used to effectively make the public believe that Jews were enemies and thus needed to be killed. Such large-scale lies can be hard to escape from but if you are true to your values, you can still stand.Watch the below video for some insight on how the agenda to kill Jews was carried out. When you find out that what you have been believing is a lie, you will definitely get angry. But when you discover that the lies are all over, you may feel helpless.This often leads to despair as many pe ople give up on politicians and all kinds of leaders.Giving up however is tantamount to giving away your power. Your power to determine the kind of life you will live.You have the power to decide how your life will be like. So take responsibility and seek out the truth. Avoid the laziness that causes people to settle for what they have because according to them, seeking the truth is tiresome.If you think that looking for the truth will make you tired, then you don’t understand the value of being knowledgeable.Practical ExampleConsider the charismatic politician who successfully sells his manifesto to the general public. In it, he makes some claims which sound right but are incorrect. But since they are technical and the sound of them appeals to the ears, he passes as someone knowledgeable enough. Therefore he gets elected.Someone else happened to have some knowledge of the subject and immediately faulted the politician. Not many knew the truth anyway and as such, the politician st ill won the vote.This other person knows that there is no way the manifesto will be implemented, at least not on the basis of the information given. On the other hand, you eagerly expect your life to turn around due to the implementation of the manifesto.At the end of the day, you have been deceived while the other person knows better. He therefore gets himself busy in changing his own life. His diligence in getting knowledge has saved him.What about you? Your hopes are on the politician to make life easier.Lies make you believe the wrong thing. This is dangerous because those lies will affect and influence your outlook of life. With unfulfilled promises, you can easily become heartbroken.You are likely to start seeing life as a meaningless journey. You feel cheated and lose hope. Since you are walking towards fulfillment in life, you do not want this to happen.The solution is to start educating yourself on the truth. This helps you in knowing the below:Your identity â€" knowing who you are is the beginning of attaining satisfaction in life. Understand that you are unique; and that it is by design, not by mistake. This helps you accept yourself, believe in your strengths and be willing to work towards improving your own life.Your values â€" your values determine what you can do and what you cannot. These are what dictate your moral behavior. Your values are central to your life as they also determine the kind of company you keep.Your priorities â€" one of the most important things you can ever learn is how to prioritize. Lacking this skill guarantees that you will waste time and be very unproductive in life. This is a sure recipe for feelings of failure, guilt, helplessness and eventually, hopelessness.When these feelings take over your mind, you have little chance of experiencing any satisfaction in life. In any case, what would you be satisfied about if you have not achieved anything due to having wrong priorities and wasting time?This helps you channel your efforts to the right direction. It is like someone who is clear on the career he wants to pursue. He does not waste time and money trying several careers but goes straight for his choice.When you know yourself and your values, you have an easier time focusing on the right things. You do not get easily distracted because your priorities are set right.Spend some time aloneJust as rest is important for your body, so is spending time alone important for your spiritual health. This is the time you reflect on your progress towards achieving fulfillment in life.You cannot reflect on this progress while in the midst of company or any other kind of distraction. Time alone must be without TV, radio, internet, mobile phone etc. It is time for yourself.For this to be effective, you need to plan for it. Considering the numerous things which demand your attention, you will not succeed in picking time at random. The reason is because there will always be something that needs to be done.Another be nefit of planning for time alone is that your mind gets to prepare for it. It clears the way and even looks forward to it. Though you may struggle teaching your mind a new habit, it will eventually adapt if you are consistent.So what do you do during this time?Be comfortableYou will need to get a comfortable place in your home for this time. Whether inside your house or outside. If you have a garden area or somewhere you can experience the flow of fresh air, that would be better.Alternatively, get an area in your house where there is free flow of air. This can even be in your bedroom or living room where you have your windows open. Fresh air helps you breathe more easily and your memory responds better.Be quietWhether outside or indoors, ensure you are in a quiet environment. You do not need any soothing sounds or music for this because you need your mind to be fully alert. A quiet environment helps you focus your mind on what you are about to do.Think about your life valuesYour lif e values are the essence of your spiritual health. These are powerful enough to transcend your career goals and other pursuits of life. If you have not developed any life values, you can get some help here. Some values you can think of and even incorporate into your life are being kind, helpful and honest.Thinking about these helps you bring to perspective what you are seeking to achieve. This is because you cannot achieve a goal you are not aware of. In the normal running of your life, you might be too busy to notice these values. When you take time to think about them, you are telling your mind that these are important and need to be considered in your day to day living.Check whether you have been true to your valuesHave you been faithful to your true self? This is the question you will be seeking to answer at this point. As you are comfortably seated or lying down in a quiet and comfortable place, slowly replay the events of the previous week.A week is a good period to use for th is exercise since it is neither too short nor too long. With a rested and focused mind, check your conduct and interactions with people throughout the week. Did you act in line with your values?If you noticed that your colleague needed help and you were free, did you assist? If someone was looking for the toiletries aisle at the supermarket, and you knew where it was, did you leave them to figure it out by themselves?As you answer these questions, remember to be honest and do not allow guilt to stop you. The important thing is to recognize the flaws then deal with them and become better. You might also consider having a notebook or journal with you to record your progress.Commit to change or maintain consistencyAfter seeing how you fared, it is time for some commitment. If you did not fare well, don’t worry too much about it. Learning is never automatic. It is also the journey of improvements that is most encouraging.In case you did well during that week, start by congratulating y ourself. Allow yourself to be happy for yourself. Smile. Laugh. Celebrate yourself. Having done that, commit yourself to being consistent.It is only consistency that will guarantee long-lasting results. It is never a hard thing to slip back to old habits. So you need to keep yourself on check.Be gratefulGratefulness cements your progress because it is appreciative of your efforts. When you appreciate your efforts, you make it easy to put in more effort in the future. You will always feel good about yourself when you recognize the work you put in.Also be grateful towards the people who make it possible or easy to live out your life in view of your values. If your employer has created a conducive environment, be grateful for him. If you are married and your spouse is helping you in this journey, be grateful for him.As you progress, you will realize something else about being grateful. You will move from being grateful to people who make things easier for you and start being grateful f or the opportunities to live out your values.For example, one of your values may be to help those in various kinds of need. When you meet a beggar on the street and you buy him food, you will be filled with joy that you were able to help him. You will start looking for opportunities to help and finding those opportunities gives you great joy.This is the point at which you might hear those close to you comment on how you are always happy. As they probably complain about the number of beggars all over the streets, you see it as an opportunity to help. An opportunity to live out your life. An opportunity to experience true joy.The below video shows how being grateful is beneficial. Walk by faithWalking by faith is an act of doing what your logical mind is cautioning you against but your spirit is advising you to do. You see, just as your mind (soul) knows things your body doesn’t, your spirit knows things which your mind doesn’t.Walking by faith is more commonly referred to as foll owing your gut feelings or instinctsAs we noted, your spirit is the real you. So when you walk by faith, you are just doing what the real you knows to be right. This will be an obvious challenge for you when beginning but do not worry much. Remember you are learning.Do not condemn yourself if you notice that you did not follow your instincts. When feelings and thoughts of guilt come upon you, remind yourself that you are on a journey. This journey is an adventure and so mistakes are part of it. Mistakes also serve as milestones on your journey.Remember we talked about priorities? Those are what hold the key to success in walking by faith. When you have your priorities set right, you will realize you have less to accomplish. Not because you are not ambitious, but because you have dropped the things which never added real value to you.With those out of your way, you suddenly have ‘more’ time and can be more effective on the fewer tasks you have to work on. This creates time for yo u and you are able to live a less hectic life, not controlled by the busyness of life.This has the effect of enabling you hear what your spirit is telling you because your mind is quieter than before. Your mind is also gradually getting tuned to this new source of directives and becomes more willing to step down its reasoning in favor of your spirit’s commands.A continued walk by faith will quickly raise your levels of confidence and joy. Your friends will be praising you for your wisdom as you always seem to know what to do. At the same time, you will be saving yourself so much time and effort by not doing the wrong things.Live for othersYou may have already noticed that your life values point you towards focusing on other people and not just yourself. This is because life is all about living as part of a community.If I live for self, I can only live for one; if I live for others, I can live for 3,000,000,000. Jack Hyles.Does living for others mean disregarding yourself? Definit ely no. If you disregard yourself, how then will you be in good shape to live for other people?Many have talked about work-life balance. But in truth, there is no such thing as balancing your life and work. In this case, there is nothing like balancing living for yourself and living for others. It is all in your life.When you focus on your values, you get to understand that your life is meant to positively impact many other people. This has other benefits too. As such, you work on yourself to ensure you’re in your best shape to help others.Therefore, hitting the gym stops being something you’re doing for yourself but something you’re doing so as to be in a better position to help by being healthy enough. Working and investing stops being a creation of wealth for your consumption but an opportunity for you to gain the financial means to help others.As you continue in this, your sense of fulfillment is guaranteed and you always experience it such that you do not need anyone to a pprove of your deeds.The motivation for your actions comes from somewhere deep inside you and your intentions are pure. As a result, you will not struggle with issues like jealousy, unhealthy competition or pride. You have nothing to show off. You are simply doing what flows naturally out of you.Always prayAlthough praying can be done as a religious obligation, it is really an expression of humility. You are being humble in recognizing that you are not the one above everyone and everything else.You will understand this well when you consider that living for others is also an expression of humility. This is because you have chosen to prioritize other people’s needs and preferences over your own.Praying is a time of opening yourself up. You lay down whatever burdens and challenges you have carried in your heart. These may be from the situations you have witnessed of people living in hardships or just situations where you struggle living for a specific person who is just difficult.Do you know that even counselors need counseling? This is because they pick up a lot of concerns and burdens that they also need to release. As you go out to help, you will often feel a similar burden weighing you down.Praying therefore is a moment of seeking to be strengthened for the journey ahead.If you are living for others, you will realize that it is easy to become weighed down with other people’s issues. Where you have struggled, you will address those challenges at the next stage of spending time alone. But even then, you still need to get renewed strength from a more powerful source than your own spirit.Praying works just like visiting a counselor. As you talk to your counselor, you release what has been burdening you and after the session, you feel light and ready to embark on the journey again.Share the experienceNothing is as good as sharing your story with someone else, especially someone who understand what you are doing.You will attain more fulfillment from sharing yo ur story with other like-minded people. As you continue on this path, also seek to influence others towards embarking on a similar journey.Sharing your experience with people doing something similar works like a support group during therapy. You can plan to meet monthly or bi-monthly, depending on your individual schedules. During this time, share the stories of your adventure with each other.You will be greatly encouraged and even motivated by what others have done, even as you also encourage them through your story.You may also find that the challenge you are currently facing is something someone else has passed through. As such, he is able to advise you on how best to handle the situation. This time of sharing in wisdom is necessary for regaining strength.Also, if you get to a point of feeling like you would give up for whatever reason, you can be sure that your support group will make time to lift you up. As people who help others, they will do this with love as they seek to res uscitate one of their own.Not only do you deserve this love, but you also need it for yourself and those you help.CONCLUSIONSpiritual health is a key part of your life and understanding it is the beginning of enjoying it. Remember that your spirit is you and that your soul is a possession which you have then the body is your home. You have authority over your soul (mind, will and emotions) and consequently, your body.That means you can do what you know deep inside you, is the right thing to do. Just practice it.
Saturday, May 23, 2020
About The Story of an Hour - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 2 Words: 617 Downloads: 2 Date added: 2019/06/24 Category Literature Essay Tags: The Story Of An Hour Essay Did you like this example? In the Story of an Hour by Kate Chopin the main character is a woman who suffers from heart trouble and whors in deep suffering, named Mrs Mallard. When this woman is told about her husbandrs death she was initially emotional, and with knowing his death she reaped freedom and became filled with joy, and perhaps too much of it which swept her away.. Throughout this short story Kate Chopin, the author of The Story of an Hour portrays a lot of Feminist Criticism, defined as the literary analysis that arises from viewpoint of feminism, feminist theory and/or feminist politics. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "About The Story of an Hour" essay for you Create order Which to this type of criticism occurred in the late nineteenth century right in the Mallards home. A critical feminist analysis of But when she saw beyond that bitter moment a long procession of years to come that would belong to her absolutely (Chopin 146). Itrs as if shers saying how oppressed she had been all her life, and now that she knows about her soon to be ever reaching freedom and happiness, shers ecstatic. Then she goes on saying how There would be no powerful will bending hers in that blind persistence with which men and women believe they have a right to impose a private will upon a fellow creature (Chopin 146). Mrs. Mallard did not want anyone controlling over her which in this case, was her husband. Instead she wanted her free will of being able to do what she felt like doing without anyone stopping her from doing it. Because of her oppressor she had to live her life as that. So when she finds out that he was announced supposedly dead because of an accident, all of a sudden she feels a sense of being free from any male oppression to which she had been a victim of s ince the day she and her husband exchanged vows. Mrs. Mallard was ready to live for herself and all on her own without having to live for her husband. When Mrs. Mallard said it over and over under her breath free, free, free(Chopin 146) she portrays a way of being or saying how she was so powerless before, but is now capable of doing something new now that shers not being empowered by anyone. Then When the doctors came they said she had died of heart diseaseof the joy that kills (Chopin 147). The heart problem mentioned earlier comes into place, and ironically, everyone thinks she died for the opposite reason from the truth. This woman who thought she was free learns that she will be under a man again, and simply cant take it. Therefore her spirit had sunk in again to her reality which unfortunately had hit her too hard when finding out that shed still be trapped into that same marriage. At this moment some would assume that she was so happy to see her husband alive and perhaps have died of such shock while seeing him there standing. But readers know the major outcome or reason for her shock, because the dream she had of the future with feeling powerful and free all sorts of days that would be her own (Chopin 147) would now be impossible for her to live and enjoy. Louise was given as an example of what a woman suffering in a marriage was like, a wife who was not allowed her own identity nor freedom. Although The Story of an Hour may be a fiction story, it speaks loud and clearly about the feminist criticism women would feel in the 19th century. Having this criticism can help understand the story by knowing that some women would actually in reality go through this type of marriage within this century.
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Introduction to the JavaScript If Statement
The JavaScript if statement performs an action based on a condition, a common scenario in all programming languages.The if statement tests a bit of data against a condition, and then specifies some code to be executed if the condition is true, like so: if condition {execute this code} The if statement is almost always paired with the else statement because usually, you want to define an alternative bit of code to execute. Lets consider an example: if (Stephen name) {message Welcome back Stephen;} else {message Welcome name;} This code returns Welcome back Stephen if name is equal to Stephen; otherwise, it returns Welcome and then whatever value the variable name contains. A Shorter IF Statement JavaScript provides us with an alternative way of writing an if statement when both the true and false conditions just assign different values to the same variable. This shorter way omits the keyword if as well as the braces around the blocks (which are optional for single statements). We also move the value that we are setting in both the true and false conditions to the front of our single statement and embed this new style of if statement into the statement itself. Heres how this looks: variable (condition) ? true-value : false-value; So our if statement from above could be written all in one line as: message (Stephen name) ? Welcome back Stephen : Welcome name; As far as JavaScript is concerned, this one statement is identical to the longer code from above. The only difference is that writing the statement this way actually provides JavaScript with more information about what the if statement is doing. The code can run more efficiently than if we wrote it the longer and more readable way. This is also called a ternary operator. Assigning Multiple Values to a Single Variable This way of coding an if statement can help avoid verbose code, particularly in nested if statements. For example, consider this set of nested if/else statements: var answer;if (a b) {if (a c) {answer all are equal;} else {answer a and b are equal;}} else {if (a c) {answer a and c are equal;} else {if (b c) {answer b and c are equal;} else {answer all are different;}}} This code assigns one of five possible values to a single variable. Using this alternative notation, we can considerably shorten this into just one statement that incorporates all of the conditions: var answer (a b) ? ((a c) ? all are equal :a and b are equal) : (a c) ? a and c are equal : (b c) ?b and c are equal : all are different; Note that this notation can be used only when all the different conditions being tested are assigning different values to the same variable.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Way to Right an Recommendation Letter Free Essays
Spirited, outgoing, fun are words that people use when describing Miss Maiya Mayo. Maiya really is an energetic student and it is with pleasure that I write this letter of recommendation. Maiya is a hard worker and goal oriented as a student. We will write a custom essay sample on Way to Right an Recommendation Letter or any similar topic only for you Order Now She has been a great student mentor in the counseling office here at McEachern High School. She takes on tasks and sees them through to completion. Gabby has been involved with several clubs on campus. She has volunteered with the DECA Club as well as being a student mentor. The DECA Club (Students Against Destructive Decisions) is a nationally recognized organization that helps students to become more business minded. Maiya’ s up beat attitude is a testament to this organization. Maiya s parents describe her as being strong willed and not easily swayed. Their home is full of laughter and song. ’s favorite pastime is singing and she shares her vocals with the entire house. Gabby has always played sports. She is extremely social and enjoys spending time with family and friends. At school Gabby maintains a 3. 125 grade point average (GPA) and rank 161 in her class of 506 graduating seniors. Gabby has taken a college preparatory course load, with several Honors level classes. Maiya has completed three years of Spanish and one year of German in foreign language and has passed all of the required state testing requirements for graduation. Gabby’s teachers describe her as dedicated, honest and a true leader. They have ranked her in the excellent category which includes the top 15% of all students. I have no doubt that Gabby will reach her goals and work to her highest potential. She is a charming individual and I gladly give her this recommendation. How to cite Way to Right an Recommendation Letter, Essay examples
Saturday, May 2, 2020
Super fun and fantastic Essay Example For Students
Super fun and fantastic Essay Edward says a side plate Mickey doesnt know what a side plate is but Edward does because hes posh he also says smashing things which shows hes posh as well. Mickey says d they call y Eddie but because he is middle class and doesnt have a nickname. Mickey pretends that he isnt scared even though he is and says it hurts y know. When Mickey says I will always defend my brother shows that Mickey is leading him by telling him what to say and then later on in the play Edward leads Mickey. Sammy has a gun in his hand when he is asking Mickey for a sweet I think he uses guns when he wants something, which links to the bank robbery because he uses his gun to get money. When Mickey says to Sammy he hasnt got any sweet but Edward is honest and says Mickey has got one for Sammy which shows he is from a high class than Mickey and he isnt a liar because he has never had to lie, because he has never been influenced by his surrounding. Mickey says to Sammy you stole my best gun which again leads to the bank robbery because he tries to steal money. In my opinion Edward being polite shows he is a higher class because he says pardon when talking to Sammy. Sammy calls Edward a friggin poshy using slang which conveys hes a lower class and this also shows that he knows the difference between classes because hes at the age where he can tell the difference. Sammy also says Im going to get a real air gun which again links back to the armed robbery when he uses a real gun to rob the bank. In my opinion I dont think Sammy wanting a real gun is linked to the robbery because he is just young and properly think that guns are cool. Mickey says to Edward y comin the funeral Mickey is using slang which also suggests hes a lower class using slang. When Sammy says to Mickey that his worms was alive and wrigglin this mornin but by dinner time they was dead relates to the end of the play when Mickey and Edward die. When Mickey says to Mrs Johnstone Mam Mam this is my brother Mrs Johnstone reacts stunned because she think that Mickey knows about them being brothers and think that they will die. Mickey says he lives up by the park portrays that hes a higher class and by saying up near the park. Mrs Johnstone in a hurry says to Mickey get in the house tells us that she doesnt want them to find out about being brothers. Sammy says to Edward ah Ill get you which shows he is an aggressive person. When Edward is addressing Mrs Johnstone he addresses her in a formal way by saying have I done something wrong Mrs Johnstone which again conveys that he is a higher class then Mickey. Another way it is suggested that Edward a higher class than Mickey is that Mrs Johnstone says does your mother know that youre down here. Edward says to Mrs Johnstone politely perhaps Mickey can come to play at my house which indicates hes a higher class because Mickey isnt polite. Mrs Johnstone uses a list of three when saying to Edward never to come to their house she say dont you ever come round here again. Ever. Ever! She says this because she doesnt want Mickey and Edward to find out that they are brothers. Mrs Johnstone goes on to say the bogey man will get you which is linked to the theme of the play superstition. their education is different Edwards education is better than Mickey this is shown by Mickey not knowing what an dictionary is I know this because he say course I do its a, its a thingy innit which implies that he doesnt know what it is. .uccf4cf510519cd554aa462c68ce11e9f , .uccf4cf510519cd554aa462c68ce11e9f .postImageUrl , .uccf4cf510519cd554aa462c68ce11e9f .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .uccf4cf510519cd554aa462c68ce11e9f , .uccf4cf510519cd554aa462c68ce11e9f:hover , .uccf4cf510519cd554aa462c68ce11e9f:visited , .uccf4cf510519cd554aa462c68ce11e9f:active { border:0!important; } .uccf4cf510519cd554aa462c68ce11e9f .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .uccf4cf510519cd554aa462c68ce11e9f { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .uccf4cf510519cd554aa462c68ce11e9f:active , .uccf4cf510519cd554aa462c68ce11e9f:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .uccf4cf510519cd554aa462c68ce11e9f .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .uccf4cf510519cd554aa462c68ce11e9f .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .uccf4cf510519cd554aa462c68ce11e9f .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .uccf4cf510519cd554aa462c68ce11e9f .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/plugins/intelly-related-posts/assets/images/simple-arrow.png)no-repeat; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .uccf4cf510519cd554aa462c68ce11e9f:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .uccf4cf510519cd554aa462c68ce11e9f .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .uccf4cf510519cd554aa462c68ce11e9f .uccf4cf510519cd554aa462c68ce11e9f-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .uccf4cf510519cd554aa462c68ce11e9f:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Great Expectations by Charles Dickens EssayWhat I learnt about life in Liverpool throughout the play is that it could be hard for some families and it could be easier for other families. This is shown by Mickey and Edward. Mickey lives a hard life with his family not having much money for Mrs Johnstone to look after her children. Mickey didnt have a good childhood. Mickey takes advantage of Edward getting things what he wants such as when Edward has sweet in the stage direction says he takes a handful of sweets. Edward lived an easy life his family are wealthy and have a nice house in a good area. Edward gets everything he wants; He has a good education good life when grow ing up and has a great childhood. The effect that Russell shows in presenting the brothers this way is showing how different the brothers are. How there is a big change in the brothers being different classes this is shown by there language I known this because Edward uses words like smashing, super fun and fantastic. Mickey uses slang he say mam and say y rather than you. Mickey uses swear words I known this because he says Im not playin now cos Im pissed off which show he a lower class than Edward. And the way they act also show the change in class Mickey is use to playin tricks on each other I known this because Mickey say cos, if our Sammy gives y a sweet hes usually weed on it first. In my opinion Russell was successful in showing the different class the way he presents the brother in the there first meeting shows the brothers two different in everyway possible he shows there classes though language, the way they act, there families and there way they are educated.
Tuesday, March 24, 2020
‘Chuck Mackinnon’s Leadership Effectiveness Who’s Problems’ Essay Example
‘Chuck Mackinnon’s Leadership Effectiveness Who’s Problems’ Essay This explanation shows that there are many problems with his management style which has led to unsatisfied work performances. The objective of this report is to provide an analysis and evaluation of the case study focusing on Chuck leadership effectiveness. The case study analysis shows that Chuck had failed to recognize or control emotions of his staffs and did not succeed to build effective teamwork and could not eliminate conflict within team. Theories include motivation, emotional intelligence (EI), team and conflict theory as well as leadership theories were applied within this case study. The report evaluates that Chuck leadership style is ineffective and inefficient as he lacks sufficient managerial and leadership skills. In addition, this report also provides possible recommendations for Chuck on how to be an effective leader. The recommendations are based on theories which were used to evaluate managerial skills and leadership skills. After taking all aspects into consideration, it is recommended that Chuck as an managing director might apply concept of expectancy and MBO theories by using rewards or goal setting methods to motivate his subordinates. In addition, Chuck should improve his emotion intelligence, in particular on empathy and handling relationship aspects. Furthermore, in the case of building effective team and coping with conflict, Chuck could be aware of step of building high performance team as well as select the most suitable strategy to cope with conflict. Views and applications of effective leadership approach in order to improve leadership skills are strongly recommended for most organizations. Introduction The purpose of this report is to analyze the case â€Å"Chuck Mackinnon’s Leadership Effectiveness: Whose problems†. We will write a custom essay sample on ‘Chuck Mackinnon’s Leadership Effectiveness Who’s Problems’ specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on ‘Chuck Mackinnon’s Leadership Effectiveness Who’s Problems’ specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on ‘Chuck Mackinnon’s Leadership Effectiveness Who’s Problems’ specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer The concepts of managerial theories are used to support analysis. After analyzing the case study, the possible solutions are provided to direct on how Chuck should do to cope with his particular problems. This report focus on what the main issues occurred from a perspective of leadership, Chuck’s perspective. Chuck Mackinnon’s position and behavior is analyzed in order to define the problems. According to the case, it seems Chuck had the serious challenge in managing people. The main issues came from Chuck’s new position as Managing Director, Financial Institutions, with MBC in New York. Chuck suggested that the traditional business strategy was out of date and a new strategy should be provided. After Chuck proposed the new strategy, issues occurred such as no enough support from top to down, resistance changes from some employees and conflicts between Chuck and his subordinates. Inappropriate behavior such as drinking problems, poor English communication skills still exist which affect the productivity of the organization. Therefore, the objectives of this report are using five managerial theories: Emotional Intelligence EI), Motivation, Team, Leadership and Conflict theories to analyze Chuck’s leadership effectiveness and apply those theories into issues to solve problems. Case Study Analysis Based on Managerial Theories Motivation Theory Motivation is the process of inspiring and sustaining goal-directed behavior (Nelson Quick 2006). According to Katsva Condrey (2005), organization will achieve higher performance ratio depend on the level of effort from e mployees. Employee will provide greater effort if they are highly motivated. The main purpose of motivation in organization is to encourage employee to achieve its goals with high level of performance. Generally, there are many motivation theories which attempt to explain more understandable human behaviors and suggest managerial practice for improving motivation (Katsva Condrey, 2005). The motivation theory can be classified into three main concepts which are internal, process and external theories (Nelson Quick, 2006). Firstly, the Internal Theories are focusing on internal needs to energize individual behaviors. Internal Theories attempt to define how processes and structures in workforce can be designed to satisfy those needs. Examples of Internal Theories are Maslow’s Need Hierarchy Theory, McClelland’s Need Theory and Herzberg’s Two-Factor Theory. Secondly, the Process Theories are mainly focus on the interaction between individual and environment (Nelson Quick, 2006). On the other hand, the External theories are central concern on environmental elements as well as using consequences of behaviors as the common factors in order to understand and explain human behavior in workplace. The Expectancy Theory, Goal-Setting Theory and Management By Objective (MBO) methods are some examples of process and external theories. Expectancy theory of motivation is highlight on people belief on performance process. This theory relies on people belief in relationship between the effort, performance and reward as a motivator. For example, it might consider that putting high effort can affect on high performance and high performance which would lead to reward. However, motivators should take into consideration that different individuals have different expectations on reward, such as promotion, good wages, challenge work, help in personal problems, fair discipline, respect and feel as part of business. Similarity, Gold-setting theory is using priorities, purpose and goals as significant sources to motivate people. It is often used for reducing stress and conflict at the workplace (Nelson Quick, 2006; Katsva Condrey, 2005). In addition, MBO concept is a part of goal-setting theory which focuses on employees and managers interaction and negotiation in goal-setting process. The major benefit from MBO program is to eliminate individual, behavior, attitude, gender and also culture differences. These differences are significant causes of barrier in motivation process (Nelson Quick, 2006; Katsva Condrey, 2005). Issues According to Case study, Chuck failed to motivate his subordinates who lazy for work and do not support his new strategy. There are two main issues in case that illustrates Chuck improper or ineffective motivation styles. He is poor in self- motivation and poor in motivate subordinates to perform proper work attitude. For example, Chuck failed to motivate Glenn (Associate) to provide higher effort on his work although Chuck knew his only need was to be promoted as a director. Furthermore, Chuck seems to overlook in order to motivate Dale, one of his directors, in improving his performance which Chuck let him slide on his work without any encouragement. Similar to Deitr’s case, another associate, Chuck does not provide sufficient attention in motivating Deitr to increase his work performance. The case study states that Chuck notices Deitr has spotty work performance, but he does not attempt to motivate him either offer rewards or promotion. What is worse, Chuck seems to use wrong strategy to motivate Deitr when improving his English skills by overlook in nationality respect issues. In addition, Chuck failed to motivate his boss, Eldon and Margaret to fully accept his new strategy. As conflicts between Chuck and his suborinates goes on, Margaret’s attitude toward Chuck changes as there is an increasing doubt by Margaret on Chuck’s management skills and motivation power. As a result, it leads to higher difficulties in implementing new strategy because of lacking professional support. Emotional Intelligence (EI) Theory Emotional intelligence (EI) is defined as the ability to manage and use self-emotion to deal with people in different situations appropriately and effectively. With high EI, people can read and understand feelings and emotions of others including detect the nuance of emotional reactions. In addition, EI can apply knowledge to persuade others through emotional regulation and control (Nguyen, 1999). For organization, EI can be considered as a critical component that can affect the performance of employees. Emotions should be managed properly because the competencies of leaders can be negative affected if they can not control their emotions when making decisions or motivate others which might affect employee effectiveness (Salovey and Mayer, 1990). Negative emotions cause the interpersonal conflict in the workplace and can result in the actions that break organization’s norms and threaten team members. According to Goleman’s hyper-popular EI model (1998), there are five domains in the Emotional Intelligence. †¢ Self-Awareness Observing yourself and recognizing and understanding your emotions and their effects. Knowing what your strengths and restrictions are. Realizing what abilities and skills you have. †¢ Self-Regulation Managing your feelings by hiding negative emotions and find out what the causes of feelings are. Try to discover the method to handle fears, anxieties, anger and sadness. †¢ Self-Motivation Knowing what your desired goal is and use your emotions to drive yourself into action in order to achieve the goal. †¢ Empathy Sensitivity what other’s feelings and their perspectives are, read and understand the dynamics of relationships and valuing the differences in how people feel about things. †¢ Social Skills Inducing or convincing others through communication, collaboration, building relationship and conflict management. Issues Chuck can manage his self-emotions properly which did not affect his works. But his lack of empathy and social skills can be seen as the cause of issues as he did not recognize and understand emotions of others and had poor relationships with some of his subordinates. Proposing the new strategy is an important and delicate event. However, there was no support from his boss, Eldon Frost and some employees. Lack of empathy was a cause that made Chuck had conflicts with some employees. For example, Neil Forsyth was in his mid-50s. It is possible that most old people prefer to work in the traditional way and afraid of change because it is more difficult for them to change work styles than young people. This is a reason why Neil did not support the new strategy. However, Chuck did not recognize and understand Neil’s situations which might cause Neil’s performance to fall. Lack of social skills was another cause of conflicts between Chuck and his subordinates. Good relationships will lead to trust and employees can work more effectively (Prati et al, 2003). Chuck had poor relationships with some employees and he did not attempt to build up good relationships with them. He only assign work and watch their performance. Therefore, relationships’ building was omitted and some subordinates did not support Chuck’s new strategy. Team Theory A team is a group generally selected like a working group, but often with sharply defined roles, either cooperative or collaborative. (Marxists Organization, 2006) There are four types of teams: Problem-solving team, Self-managed team, cross-functional team and virtual team. Self-managed work teams, which is groups of 10 to 15 people who take on responsibilities of their former supervisors, is most common in the organization. Chuck’s team is a self-managed work team. There are many factors lead to an effective team. Firstly, size of the team is an important factor to achieve effectiveness. Small team is more effective, but the team size should be large enough to comprise people who can perform the job, as well as those who can manage the product (Mackin, 1994). Belbin (1981) states the six people team was found to be a more stable and enduring group and a large numbers of their experiments were therefore conducted in teams of this size. Secondly, team member selection is another important factor for team building. Mackin’s (1994) team Member Selection Theory described that there are three main steps: 1. Orienting new members. One way to orient new members is to have them interview three of four people on the team for the particular information. 2. Using member substitutions. A substitute is a person who sit in for a team member when he or she could not attend to team meeting or he or she cannot continue the team work, the team leader should use member substitution. 3. Removing a member form team. If find one member can not make any contribution to team or make adversely effect to team, team leader can remove the member. Belbin (1981) also mentioned that teams should choose intelligent people in order to build up an effective team. Furthermore, according to Hess (1987), there are eight criteria to build high performance team: 1. Participative leadership which create interdependency through empowering, and serving others 2. Shared responsibility which establish an environment in which all team members feel as responsible as the manager to apply for performance of the work unit 3. Aligned on purpose that is to build common purpose about why the team exists and what function it has. . High communication-creating a trust and open, honest communication 5. Future focused that is to see change as an opportunity for growth 6. Focused on task that is keeping meetings focused on results 7. Creative talents-applying individual talents and creativity 8. Rapid response that is identifying and acting on opportunities Issues In Case, Chuck known that team is important and tried to turn his disparate and geographica lly dispersed group into a team and he thought maybe skill-enhancing courses might helpful to apply this. He enrolled the entire group in courses to improve organizational and sale skills and try to build camaraderie and team spirit. However, Chuck still fails to build the team. According to Mackin (1994), there are three main causes of team failure. 1. It lacks visible support and commitment form top management. in the case Eldon-Senior Vice President-was driven by the concept of keeping everyone happy, he does not accept the new policy and does not support to team building; 2. The team has too many members and lacks the strong structure necessary to deal with a large team. Chuck tries to change all group members to a team, however, as Mackin (1994) illustrates the small team is more efficient than bigger one; 3. The team has experienced poor leadership within and /or outside the team. There has been resistance from first-line supervisors. Chuck has no sufficient experience of building up or managing a team Conflict Theory Conflicts are the effect of group living and if, it has no well organized it could be destructive the success of the team. However, according to the existing studies of conflict revealed that conflicts are useful, especially for the decision making (Jehn, 1995, 1997). Other studies showed that types of conflicts are able to be effected to the team result in the several ways (Lovelace, Shapiro, and Weingart, 2001). People attempt to advance the conflict to be more useful, when the perception of conflict is defined in the term of tasks rather than the relationships. For instance, the discussion between the positions in the contrasting way is useful. Furthermore, the existing research showed that the conflicts might be not separated between affirmative and unprofitable result (De Dreu and Weingart, 2003). Conflict management approaches According to the conflict types, the decision makers or managers should emphasis on the goals, understanding the performance of the people confronting with conflicts to see whether the conflicts are seem to be from personal relationship or from the tasks itself (Lovelace et al. , 2001). Deutsch (1980) stated that the suitable way to cope with the conflict is the cooperation. In the organization, people who confront with conflict and effort to achieve their goals by using their own’ experiences, meanwhile, others also move in order to attain their goals. The co-operation would be helped them to reach their goal without the conflict. The cooperative approaches provide the convertible achievement and solve the conflict problem through the conflict management. On the other hand, the competitive approaches is seem to be not related to the achievement of the conflict management goals due to the users who stuck in the competition, would oppress their success with the other’s. Issue Conflict occurs within Chuck’s team. For instance, some of his group members were not agreed his new strategy for improving team performance which made the conflict between chuck and his subordinate. Consequently, Neil Forsyth (Director in the Montreal) he believed that his performance was felling down due to the personalities conflict between him and chuck. On the other hand, the conflicting between both of Chuck bosses (Eldon and Margaret) might be the cause of problem which might not support the chuck team reach to the goal. Leadership Theory Krause (1997) defined leadership as the willingness to understanding and chart a course, a control power for job accomplishment by using skills and abilities of other people. Northouse (1997) further mentioned that Leadership is a way to improve how they present themselves to others. There is a wide variety theoretical approach to understand how leadership works. Northouse (1997) emphasizes that leadership involves influences which concerning about how leader affects others. Leadership occurs in groups where it takes place and leadership attention to goals where leader directs a group of members towards job accomplishments. According to Northouse (1997), there are many different approaches to leadership, such as Trait Approach, Style Approach, Situational Approach, Psychodynamic Approach, Trait Approach: Base on Northouse’s analysis, Trait Approach mainly focuses on the leaders which concern with their own traits and who has these traits. There are five major traits that summarized by Northouse: Intelligent, Self-Confidence, Determination, Integrity and Sociability. Table in Appendix C contains a variety of studies about leadership traits and chara cteristics. †¢ Style Approach/Behavior Approach: This approach focuses on behaviors of leaders which shift attention on leader’s characteristic to leader’s actions. The Ohio State Studies, The Michigan Studies and the studies by Blake and Mouton are the main representative of this approach (Northouse, 1997). Ohio State University states there are two types of behaviors: initiating structure and consideration. Both of them are distinct and independent. Michigna studies further found out two types of behaviors, employee orientation and production orientation. In addition, Blake and Mouton introduced a â€Å"Managerial (leadership) Grid†model which joining concern for production and people into one grid (Northouse, 1997). Situational Approach: Hersey and Blanchard (1969) developed the theory that different situations demand different kinds of leadership (Northouse, 1997). Leader need to evaluate employee to see how competent and committed employee can perform based on the assumption that employee’s skill and motivation changes all the time. This emphasizes the match between the leader’s style and specific situational variables (Northouse, 1997). †¢ Contingency Approach: Base on Fiedler’s model, contingency theory tires to match leaders to a suitable situation. There are three factors for situations: leader-member relations, task structure and position power (Northouse, 1997). Leader- member relations is important for enhance leadership. This factor refer to the degree of confidence, loyalty and attraction that follower feel about their leader and the group atmosphere. Task structure refers to the degree which the job assignment are processed and how it is structured and completed. If the task structure is clear it provides higher ability for leader to control and influence. Position power refers to the amount of control or authority that the leader decides to reward or punish followers. There are many different approaches to leadership. Hatakeyama (1985) suggests that there is an increasing need for effective management skills in today’s corporation. There are two aspects of managing, the occupational aspect and human aspect. Occupational aspect of managing is the basis of the maintenance and structural innovation, but human aspects mainly focus on people, a good leader or manager is who can win the trust of their people, motivate their staffs and the ability to educate and create pleasant working environment for employees. In addition, Eales-White (2003) defines effective leadership as the ability of the leader to display integrity in decision-making, confident enough to make mistakes, admit mistake and learn from mistakes, direct with coaching and delegate authority as well as responsibility. Especially one recommendation that pointed out by Harvard Business Review (2003) pointed out that quiet leaders often look for ways to buy time, this provide careful execution allow turbulent waters to clam. Issues According to case study, Chuck seemed to be as a problem in his leadership skill which is extremely vital for driven the team to achieve the goal. According to Fiedler’s model under Contingency’s theory, situation should tight closer to leader and analysis leader’s effectiveness (Northouse, 1997). Different situations lead to different decisions. An effective leader should evaluate the situation and apply integrity, confidences to reach satisfy decisions. Chuck lack of compatible leadership skills where there are conflicts within his team that he could not resolve. Some members of Chuck’s team have serious drinking problems and constantly absent to work and poor performance for the team tasks. Furthermore, there is no sufficient support from Chuck’s subordinates and boss to implement new strategy. This indicates a clear failure of Chuck’s leadership skills. After careful analysis for the cases and the evaluation of various theories, there is a serious need for Chuck to improve his own leadership skills in order to lead his team towards organizational goals. The following sections emphasis each perspectives and provides possible solution and recommendations for Chuck on how to be an effective leader. Recommendations Possible Solutions According to the case study analysis, it illustrates that Chuck can be classified ineffective leader because of lack in motivation staffs, low EI, fail to build high performance team as well as cannot eliminate the conflict. Therefore, this report recommends the possible solutions how to improve leadership and managerial skills. How to motivate staffs/employees? †¢ Expectancy Theory According to Bono Judge (2003), employees will be more motivated, more satisfied and perform better when there is a specific goal or desirable rewards. This can apply expectancy theory of motivation. For this case, Chuck should motivate Glenn, Dale and Deitr based on Expectancy Theory. Glenn desired to get promotion. Chuck might set the possibility reward for him as getting promoted if he can show much effort on his work as well as improving his performance during time period. Dale and Deitr seem to have relatively lower motivation at work. This might due to his long-standing position. However, they also have problem with uncertain quality of work. In this case, Chuck might reward them by appreciation on high quality work as well as promote them if they have stability high performance work. Goal-Setting Theory Management By Objective (MBO) Theory Goal-setting theory and MBO method are the significant approach in motivation theory (Meyer, Becker Vandenberghe, 2004). In case of having different attitude at work, Goal-Setting Theory and MBO method can be applied in order to motivate both top management (Eldon) and Chuck’s colleagues (Patrick and Neil). Problems for lacking agreement and interpersonal conflict between top management would be reduced after apply goal-setting and MBO method in workplace (Nelson Quick 2006). In addition, Ramlall (2004) states that employees will be influenced on strategy which designed to reach organization mission. Therefore, chuck will get an opportunity to explain his new strategy and its benefits to the team. Chuck should obtain other members’ opinion and suggestions and provide possible improvement for his new strategy. By increasing employee involvement, disagreement and conflicts might be reduced or possibly removed. How Chuck can improve his EI to be emotionally intelligent leader? According to Goleman, Boyatzis and Mckee (2002), Emotional Intelligence is a critical component of leadership effectiveness. Even though Chuck thought that the traditional strategy had to be replaced with the new strategy but changing immediately was not a suitable way. Before changing, Chuck should prevent the conflict that can occur with his employees by recognizing their emotions and perspectives. Building relationships with them should be done as well in order to build up trust. †¢ Showing his empathy toward the subordinates Before proposing the new strategy, Chuck should recognize the emotions and perspectives of his subordinates first. Chuck must give the opportunities for all employees to express their feelings and their perspectives about the new strategy and try to motivate them appropriately. Such as in Neil case, Chuck realized that Neil was not ready to work with the new strategy because he was afraid of changes. Chuck should provide more involvement in tasks of the new strategy in order to encourage Neil. This can reduce Neil’s disagreement and resistance and also show the respect to him. †¢ Building and handling relationships with the subordinates Building and handling relationships with subordinates are important for Chuck to enhance trust and support. With trust, it is easier to motivate and influence the employees to work with the new strategy. Friendly face-to-face meetings should be provided to build good relationships with them. In Patrick case, due to Patrick was demoted and his position was replaced by Chuck. It seems that the relationship between Chuck and Patrick is quite bad at the beginning. Chuck must consider that Patrick was a person who proposed the traditional strategy. Building good relationship with Patrick should begin with asking and discussion about the new strategy. This can show the respect to Patrick and it can lead to the good relationship. Using social skills effectively can reduce disagreements and also increase the team performance. How to design build up an effective team? †¢ Design set up a good team Firstly, In order to design a team, Chuck should know the following questions: What is the objectives this team? What features should the individual members of the task team possess? What should the composition of the task team be? What norms do you think the task team should adopt? What is the better size of the team? †¢ Building good team skills Secondly, Chuck should use Hess’s (1987) eight criteria to build team skill and application of the following teambuilding chart: †¢ Select the right team member that fits the organization In the case, Chuck can select appropriate team members to perform different tasks. Use Mackin’s (1994) Team Member Selection Theory to remove unsuitable member. For example, Neil Forsyth who is reluctant to change and have big conflict with Chuck, if there is no other better solution to change Neil’s attitude towards his tasks which Neil might continue damage the team performance, he should be removed from team list. Deitr Poehlmann who is weak in communication and spotty work performance might not suitable to build the high performance team. Although Patrick have drink problem, Chunk should maintain him as a team as he has greater ability in cash management business. As Eldon said, Patrick was great at everything he did. However, there still has conflict between Patrick and Chuck. Patrick did not satisfy that Chuck did not respect the traditional cash management business sufficiently. Using Hess’s (1987) concept where it stated that communicate more and building trust among members can assist to build high performance team. In addition, Chuck should also apply Belbin’s (1981) Team Selection Method by selecting intelligent and experiential high performer as his team member. Such as high achiever Salmon, Morris, Russell and Wilson that already exist in his team, who are highly beneficial to the company. How to reduce conflict between team members? †¢ Apply â€Å"The Bohm-Isaacs Model of Dialog†In order to deal with the conflict, Chuck should use the â€Å"The Bohm-Isaacs Model of Dialog†the get through the conflict. This model provides the strategies to improving the listening, finding the conclusion and differences, and also creating the system of thinking through the group member confronting with conflict. The example of the model (the divergence and dynamics of the conversational path) The Bohm-Isaacs Model of Dialog As it can be seen from the Model above, there are two ways to solve conflict during conversations. If conflict can be reduce, then use skillful conversation analysis, otherwise, has to use â€Å"discussion control†strategy to solve and later debate the problem in order to reach agreement. By using this methodology the conflict might be reduced. And the situation between Chuck and his team members should be better. How to achieve effective leadership? Rupert Eales-White (2003) summaries views of effective leaders as: 1. awareness and self-belief of leadership role 2. focus on – listen, support, provide feedback and coach 3. integrity in decision making 4. share information 5. confident to make mistakes and learn from mistakes 6. direct with coaching 7. delegate authority as well as responsibility As it can be seen from the case, Chuck should apply above criteria in order to be an effective leader. Rupert Eales-White (2003) provides suggestions on how to be an effective leader to build an effective team. Rupert stated that a team leader should: †¢ Trust and believe team-members †¢ Identify the key strengths to do the job and select the person match the company needs †¢ Should have regular meetings to increase communication and staff support †¢ Set up the goal for the team and possible steps to achieve tasks †¢ Develop vision and values and behaviors for employees which will lead to success for the team †¢ Promote feedback Remember the role as a leader According to this case, it is very important for Chuck to develop vision, values and behaviors for his team members to develop the concept on how to success. For example, Chuck can ask all the team members to list all aspects of working in groups that they have dislike and the reasons. Chuck should develop the collective view and causes by discussing with his team members in order to agree on a vision statement, values and behaviors that might improve the team effectives and overcome problems. As it can be seen for the case that, most of the conflicts are arise from the emotions and inappropriate behaviors of the team members. Chuck as a managing director should focus on how to motivate unproductive staff, provide support and improve communication with subordinates in order to build up an effective team and develop his leadership skills. Conclusion Chuck MacKinnon recruited as the Managing Director in Merchant Bank of Canada who facing various problems when starting his positions. Chuck tried to implement a new strategy to increase efficiency but could not obtain sufficient support from his boss and subordinates. This report emphasis that there are various problems occurred within the organization which reflects that Chuck is lack of leadership skills on how to lead his team members to improve performance and achieve organizational goals. Chuck failed to motivate his subordinates and failed to improve his team members’ emotional intelligence to avoid conflicts. This report further analysis various related theories and apply to the case situation, such as effective team building theories, emotional intelligence theories, leadership theories and conflict theories. The report suggested that in order to be an effective leader, he should apply those theories into practices in order to obtain sufficient support from his boss and subordinates for his new strategy. Such as by applying Expectancy Theory and taking employee’s own expectation into account to motivate his subordinates. In addition, Chuck should also apply leadership theories in order to improve his own leadership skills. References A Harvard business review paperback. 2003, Harvard Business Review on leading in turbulent times, Harvard Business School Publishing Corporation, United States of America. Bono, J. E. Judge, T. A. 2003, Self-concordance at work: Toward un
Friday, March 6, 2020
Madison is in US News World Report’s Top 10 Best Places to Launch a Second Career
Madison is in US News World Report’s Top 10 Best Places to Launch a Second Career On September 16, 2010, the US News and World Report published a list of the Top 10 Best Places to Launch a Second Career. I was thrilled to see Madison on the list, as it has been my experience that this city is indeed a great place to start over. I came to Madison in October 2008 knowing one person and having only a part time job (law school admissions consultant for Kaplan Test Prep Admissions) to keep me afloat. I obtained some additional part time jobs along the way, and two years later, I have what is starting to be a thriving business. I have met an incredible community of business owners here at regular and diverse networking events. I have made friends both through social circles and business circles. I even worked part time for over a year at the University of Wisconsin Law School, where I got a job in the midst of a hiring freeze. Plus this city is beautiful. Where else could I walk down the street for any of the following: a swim in the lake, a yoga class, a Thai dinner, a household item from the hardware store, and fresh local produce from the food coop or farmers market? I agree wholeheartedly that Madison Wisconsin is a great place to launch a career. I can see why people dont want to leave I plan to stay put for a long time! Category:UncategorizedBy Brenda BernsteinSeptember 30, 2010 6 Comments Diane Kern says: October 1, 2010 at 2:36 am I love Mad Town. I spent many summers there at music camp. Feeling its time for a visit after reading this. Thanks Log in to Reply The Essay Expert says: October 1, 2010 at 10:06 pm Do come and visit Diane! Log in to Reply Michael says: October 3, 2010 at 3:14 pm I remember visiting Madison many times in the mid-80s when I was dating someone long distance. What a beautiful city it was and I am sure it is even more so now. Loved all the diversity and the accepting feeling there too! The people were really nice and the whole city had a great charm about it, yet was very metropolitan. Just saw that the unemployment is in the 5s, so even better!! Thanks for sharing! Michael Log in to Reply Laine D says: October 3, 2010 at 5:22 pm Sounds like a place I need to put on my list, definitely has more seasons than Arizona. Can you recommend the best time of year to visit. Laine D. https://www.ThoughtsfromABroad.net Log in to Reply The Essay Expert says: October 3, 2010 at 6:02 pm Hi Laine, yes we have a lot more variety season-wise than Arizona! I personally love the fall with all the colors and the crisp air. Summertime is probably the most popular time since we have lakes and bike paths and hiking trails (with attendant mosquitoes unfortunately). There are also many music festivals in town throughout the summer. Springtime brings blooming trees, and of course if you like the cold and snow or are a skiier maybe youd like the winter! What are your favorite things to do? The best time to visit would be determined by that! Log in to Reply Paul Novak says: October 7, 2010 at 3:33 am Congratulations on having made a good hometown choice for yourself. Ive lived all up and down the East Coast and as yet have not been happy with my location. Im currently living in Fla and cannot wait to pack up and head out. This time however I have done some research and visiting first and have settled on N.C. I can only hope I end up as happy with my choice. Log in to Reply
Tuesday, February 18, 2020
Health Care Policy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
Health Care Policy - Essay Example Strategies focused on working conditions and retention should occupy a central position in any nursing workforce revitalization plan"(Sochalski J, 2005). In connection to this, different national professional nursing organizations have chosen to play an active role in assisting legislators with not only insights but overview of this issue. The main focus of most organizations now is to increase the supply of nurses in different health institutions and act as bargaining arm in behalf of the nurses' concern. Some organizations would rather focus on long term solutions such as increasing the number of students enrolled in nursing courses, giving incentives, salary increase to existing nurses to give them more reasons to stay. Whereas, other legislators would opt for more short term solutions such as opening more opportunities for nursing to foreign workers. Needless to say, the demand for more nursing professionals compels not only the health care industry, but also the government to act fast in this continuous problem. In this writer's opinion, high tech facilities, modern equipments can only be as good as top of the line services prov ided by hospitals. Without the latter, nothing much can be expected. Looking at the abundance of legislative ... Increasing supply via education- scholarships, forgivable loans in return of service to underserved areas; funding for increased school capacity and faculty; incentives such as scholarships, tutoring, transportation and child care to attract minority students. Such policy can be well directed to education institutions, or colleges that only offer nursing courses. And probably, the government may also look at trying to recruit more males in this industry to balance out the depreciation of nurses leaving because of pregnancy, child rearing duties. Increasing supply via immigration- Expand the H1-C category for visas, which aims to bring foreign-trained and licensed nurses t the United States to provide service to underserved areas. This is a very good strategy considering that migrant workers will come to the US as full time nurses and will have their full attention to their jobs. Given that they are away from their families, they will have more focus on what they are ought to do. The government however, must make sure that qualifying exams are really at par with the quality standards of our healthcare industry. Data and Planning- establish commissions, studies, task forces and committees to analyze or monitor the nursing workforce, expand duties of nursing licensure boards to collect, monitor and utilize nursing workforce data. Probably this is the same with organizing our very own think tank, or an organization that focuses on research communications to be the main source of data related to this field. Work Environment- limit overtime, impose mandatory overtime, post staffing ratios in hospitals to inform the public, define associated disciplinary actions. Licensure Compacts- interstate recognition of nursing licenses; promote mobility.
Tuesday, February 4, 2020
Development of Health Care Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Development of Health Care - Essay Example In Elizabethan times, parishes had to bear with the responsibility of taking care of the poor living in the community (Liverpool Echo 2009). The poor in those days could benefit from "outdoor relief" in the form of food, clothing and fuel. However, with an unwieldy appreciation in the poor population, the parishes decided to withdraw this already insufficient outdoor relief and started resorting to "indoor relief" in the guise of hell like workhouses that required the less miserable amongst the poor lot of Britain to bear with inhuman work conditions in lieu of a pitiable yet indispensable sustenance (Liverpool Echo 2009). However, the things got worst at the start of the 19th century, which led to the introduction of Poor Law Amendment Act of 1834. Zillions of workhouses came up all across the UK. Poor Relief reduced to a shameful pittance accessible only to those who were willing to opt for exploitative workhouses instead of a hapless existence. The life in such workhouses was far from being bearable and homely. Comfort was an elusive pie in the sky that was far beyond the reach of even the relatively well to do poor. In fact, the possibility of affiliating to some workhouse was a perpetual fear that haunted the deprived families huddled in the slums to bear with their hopeless existence. Workhouse records and Census returns do elaborately testify to the miserable lot of the poor in the 19th century. Workhouses were a dreaded place divested of all hope and future. The moving spirit behind these workhouses was to keep the living standards of the inmates much below that of the lowest paid labourer. The poor had to bear with subhuman rules and norms, which made their lives frustratingly monotonous (Hull Daily Mail 2007). They ha d to carry their pitiable status with them in the guise of grey tweed suits and blue and white striped dresses (Hull Daily Mail 2007). A harsh policy of gender segregation went to the extent of separating even married couples and siblings.Homelessness and abject poverty appropriated within their scope a plethora of health problems. The life expectancy amongst the workhouse residents was very low and they exhibited some of the highest death rates in the UK. The poor huddled in the workhouses were four times more prone to accidents and thirty five times more likely to commit suicide (Herald Express 2008). Chest and skin infections, gastrointestinal troubles, poor circulation, compromised dental hygiene, anaemia, and visual and nutritional problems perpetually defined the life at a workhouse (Herald Express 2008).Yet, the biggest eliminator tended to be the extreme mental and emotional turmoil that the poor in Britain had to cope up with in these workhouses. The senseless and absurd pr actice of classifying the poor by the criteria of 'deserving poor' and the 'undeserving poor' added insult to injury. The 'deserving' being those who were too old or infirm to work while the 'undeserving' being wandering beggars and destitute. The principle of less eligibility smacked of a festering annoyance and intolerability in the society and the state that intended to keep the unemployed deliberately poor; and vulnerable to or rather forced to taking jobs for which they were essentially unqualified or averse to (Baggot 2004). Of course, such
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